Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Listening to: Death Cab for Cutie's I Will Follow You Until The Dark

Now that's a seriously weird name for a band. Doesn't seem to mean a thing, but oh well, there's how things are these days right? What might seem meaningless to some of us, could turn out to be a real hip thing for others.

Well, yes, Eric, I was sick for the past two weeks actually :( you have great insider info though, so who's your spy?!! Anyway, the weather's been cranky here, so I started feeling sick during the last week of school. Took two days of MC that particular week (and u guys should know that I hardly take MCs unless I'm really sick).. and then, just as I thought I was getting better, I decided I needed some sunshine, so I went out cycling. and guess what, it rained on me. So obviously I caught a cold (again!). Colds are horrid horrid things.. but I refused to let it get it my way, so I took my cold with me to my HK trip with my family. Yes, it seemed a little irresponsible of me and I was really freaked out by the HK thermal scan. Was really hoping I didn't turn out red and HK immigration might refuse me entry. But I got through and now I'm back here in Singapore and feeling a whole load better..

so here I am, rambling to you guys.. :)
just one and a half weeks later, it'll be back to school for me. The mid-years are here so there'll be a whole load of marking, waiting for me. Term 3, as we all remember, will usually be another busy busy term.

how about you guys? hey, do email me to give me an update on your life yah? like what've you been busy with now? or what your future holds for u? Just remember to email me at my account k?

hope to hear from you guys