Friday, August 05, 2005

one trick in the bag

Listening to: Sweet Sensation's If Wishes Came True (yikes, so retro)

red alert: please check litespeed or your mailboxes for the answer to vocab and aq (medical ethics).

so i said i can't imagine who in the world would run against the current candidate..and in the morning, wham! there is the picture of one fella who's actually interested..oh boy.. now i wonder about my saturday.. will i really have to go on duty? but looking at this candidate's credentials, it does seem as if he's good to go! unless of course, some deep dark secret pops by from now till then, if not, yes, we might just have our pr*sidential el*ction soon..

thought i'll share some ideas about the article some of us read during the reading programme. Oft-asked question: So how do we do well in AQ?

Here's one trick (out of many): Don't just repeat or rehash what the passage says. So for example, the main e.g used in that article was about how our entrepreneurs actually lack the entrepreneurial spirit. The usual response: "yes, yes, it's true! we do not know the true meaning of entrepreneurship. True-blue entrepreneurs do not fear risk, they do not need any safety net from the government"..etc

Instead, you could say: It's true our govt has inculcated a mentality where we do not really dare to take risks. (then you can say smthing about entrepreneurship and continue with...) This can also be seen in our education system - though we are encouraged to think critically, we prefer to go with the tried and tested..

my point is that you should try and use examples outside the passage. That's what they mean when they say they'd like original material.


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