Sunday, October 23, 2005

Fast Facts

Listening to: Eve 6's Here's To The Night

announcement: another practice session for paper 2 on 25/10 (Tues) @ 0740 - 1040 @ LT2. The task to be tackled? 2003 A level paper. Download the paper from litespeed if you want to go for the session. same thing, practice, then review session straight after.

this may seem so typical of someone who's in my line, but really, sat and sun's papers entertain and educate (not necessarily in that order) to no end. really. sharing some nuggets here, but go find out more by reading the stuff yourself yah?

fast facts i learnt over the weekend:

1. That we have a Tripartite Committee on Employability of Older Workers.
- Their job is to study ways to keep the older workers in the workforce. Found this out in the article abt ageism in ST on sat (you know what that is?)

2. That females are not just resorting to selling their eggs for money.
- That even young females in our society are selling sex for cash. Read in sun's ST abt how the "consumerism" trend in society is one of the factors blamed for such a phenomenon.

3. That an outright ban on smoking is not going to solve the problem.
- Apparently, they think that smokers listen more to the advice of doctors.

4. That the latest rule on pre-paid handphone cards are a bid against criminals and terrorists.
- Hmm.

5. And finally, liked that article questioning about whether freedom exists for academics here.
- At the end of the article, there wasn't still quite a clear answer....


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